Allan Knowles 2024
Thank you for the kind friendship
Lorraine will Not be able to travel to the USA
She is well, and in good spirits
She has been hospital for series of tests
She is being treated for blood clouts.
We will have a clearer picture Monday when she is examined again by the pulmonologist
It’s been a Crazy week.
The Providence of the Lord in this week has been remarkable in how he has ordered our steps
It’s started Tuesday and by Thursday late afternoon she was admitted to Hospital
I had a 47-year-old nephew have a fatal heart attack this week
He will be buried the weekend
I started my day at 4 .30 AM yesterday to get a head start in the day. The internet is much better at the office I work from.
I arrived there after 5 AM. Only to discover there was no power. We Hs ten Hours of no power yesterday
I have running between home, office and visiting Lorraine
Sorry for not contacting you sooner about the events of this week
It’s the medical advice of the pulmonologist and cardiologist that she does not fly for the next three months
I will in the will of the Lord see you 29 Sept
Thank you again for your kindness and friendship
Allan K
I will be in the Country of Malawi 16 – 27 July
It’s a mission to develop and train leaders in Biblical theology
Please keep our ministry In Prayer
Training leaders on Evangelism 11 July
This is weather permitting. We in a Nasty winter spell of Storms, Snow and driving rains
There has been lots of damage
Preaching services 14 & 28 July on the theme of Bible literacy
15 July teaching leaders’ theology of the Holy Spirit
The Malawi Mission 16- 27 July
Thank you
Allan Knowles

We had good opportunities to engage with Muslims.
Glencoe Baptist
I write to ask for your prayer support.I have several preaching and teaching engagements.
Feb 24 Saturday Morning a men’s group
Feb 25 Sunday preaching service
Feb 28 Wednesday preaching service
March 3 Sunday preaching service
This service is focused on an evangelistic thrust
The sermon is a gospel message to non believers
Please pray for my preparation and delivery
The work of the Holy Spirit in drawing sinners to Christ
Thank you for your prayer support.
Allan Knowles